Samstag, 3. August 2013


Hallo IHr Lieben !
Habe an einem kleinen Ast geschnitzt.
Nein - die Gliederpüppchen haben keine Glieder :)
"Mama" ist 2,5 cm hoch, "Tochter" 1,5 cm.
Schönes Wochenende

4 Kommentare:

  1. Sehen toll aus! Hoffentlich sind deine Finger noch heil!! :)

  2. Hi Skiddi! What an interesting thing to do! Do you have to let the wood cure at all or are these branches already old? How long did it take to carve these? The mother looks like the kind of wooden mannequin that you find in artist studios, I am interested to see what you do with these! Have a great weekend, Skiddi!

